Seeds of Sustainability

Capacity Building Grant Program


The Seeds of Sustainability Grant Program is designed to provide funding and support to nonprofit organizations that aim to improve their capacity to achieve their mission and do transformative work. This program provides financial assistance to help the organization develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to enhance their operations and achieve sustainable growth. We support a range of activities and support services tailored to the specific needs of the organization. These may include:

  • Support Strategic Leadership: to develop strong board and staff leadership and assist our grantees in implementing strategic priorities during critical periods of growth and revitalization.

  • Foster Collaboration: to strengthen community engagement and support collaborative and strategic relationship efforts that will result in stronger and expanded services.

  • Strengthen Communications: to support communications efforts that raise awareness about an organization’s mission and attract attention and resources to the organization’s cause.

  • Expand Resources and Stabilize Financials: to develop financial stability by increasing the ability of the nonprofit to develop necessary resources and plan for longer-term sustainability.

  • Promote Programming Excellence: to enhance the provision of services by strengthening the nonprofit’s ability to program and evaluate its work.

  • Enhance Operational Effectiveness: to improve day-to-day operational productivity and enhance nonprofit functioning in areas such as administration, grant management, finance, human resources, technology, and facility management.

If you believe that your organization could benefit from contracted expertise to assess nonprofit needs and design a plan to increase organizational effectiveness that will help meet current challenges and result in intentional and productive growth, please see our Impact Capacity Assessment Program (iCAP).

Application Process:

To start the application process, please schedule a conversation with the Foundation’s Program Officer or submit the short form below. The application deadline is February 28, 2024, and decisions will be made in mid-May.